Tuesday, December 6, 2011


  This is a picture of my teeth after the deep cleaning I had yesterday. What a difference. They still are ugly crucid tho! But soon will be fixed as well. :)
Yesterday I went in for a deep cleaning of all my gums and teeth. They do this before you get your braces on because once you get them on they wont be able to do that. It wasn't a painful process but it was irritating having some one sticking there fingers all through my entire mouth. But that could just be me some of my friends said they love the deep cleaning? I am still sore in the back of my mouth where my wisdom are. She said that is the most tender part of your gums since it is still fresh( as in it has only been around a tooth for a few years or less). Hurts to bite down.

  I also paid all my work in full yesterday. Grand total of Ceramic braces and the cleaning and to fill a few cavities was 3172.00. Felt nice to pay them all at once. Even tho I still have a card to pay off in the mean time just feels nice to not have to worry about a bill every time I enter the dentist. Also I heard when you pay them they tend to not prolong the process. Still estimating 12 months. 18 if things don't go as planned but he says 12 months to get them perfect as they can get. Which makes me happy. I have two more visits then I will have them on. I can have them on as early as December 20th, but I think I want to get them right after Christmas... That way I am not sore and shy around Christmas time. Also I wont have that awkward swollen smile in the holiday photos. Then my next year gift to myself will be to have them off :).

 I have to say I was really really nervous and shy about doing all this but suddenly I have become anxious and excited. I can not wait for this. The funniest part besides them getting off will be watching them change over the next 12 months. If you are deciding to get them or still unsure I say you do. I bet if you didn't, in a year or so you will wish you did. Time fly's faster than we think. Why not just sacrifice a little time for a long term worth it smile :).

I will write back Thursday after my second visit. By then I should have my Ortho appointment booked. :) TTFN

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